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Friday, March 23, 2012

If I Were in Charge of the World

I love the poem "If I Were in Charge of the World". I've never really dabbled in creative writing, but the poem really makes me want to rewrite it into my own version. If I were in charge of the world, how would the world be?? I'm going to think about this for a bit; meanwhile, check out the original children's poem:

If I Were in Charge of the World

If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel oatmeal,
Monday mornings,
Allergy shots, and also Sara Steinberg.

If I were in charge of the world
There'd be brighter nights lights,
Healthier hamsters, and
Basketball baskets forty eight inches lower.

If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have lonely.
You wouldn't have clean.
You wouldn't have bedtimes.
Or "Don't punch your sister."
You wouldn't even have sisters.

If I were in charge of the world
A chocolate sundae with whipped cream and nuts would be a vegetable
All 007 movies would be G,
And a person who sometimes forgot to brush,
And sometimes forgot to flush,
Would still be allowed to be
In charge of the world.

I will be writing my own version soon. If you were in charge of the world, what would this world be like??

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